On February 18, TrueLearn and Picmonic upgraded to a single sign-on system. This means all users will use one login to access both platforms.
Why did TrueLearn/Picmonic upgrade the login experience?
The new login experience provides enhanced security for our users and allows the ability to access both TrueLearn and Picmonic through Single Sign-On (SSO).
Who is impacted?
All TrueLearn and Picmonic users—learners and faculty.
What happens after the upgrade if I have TrueLearn and Picmonic Accounts?
Your Picmonic and TrueLearn accounts will be synced into one account and you will log in to both platforms via the login.truelearn.net login page, with your TrueLearn password.
After login, you will see a Select Portal page where you can choose between your TrueLearn Member Portal and your Picmonic Portal.
Once in the portal of your choosing, you can switch to the other portal by clicking your account dropdown menu and selecting “Change Portal.”
What happens after the upgrade if I just have a Picmonic account?
After the upgrade on February 18th, all Picmonic users will be automatically logged out of Picmonic and redirected to the new login page. You will log in with your existing Picmonic credentials using Apple, Google, or your username (email) and password. If you have forgotten your password, you will need to follow the password reset link and create a new password that meets the updated requirements. Please note: an updated password is only required if you have forgotten your password or decide you would like to change your password.
How do I reset my password?
Once you are redirected to the new login page, you will follow the prompts on the screen, which are also outlined below:
From picmonic.com, navigate to the login page by selecting “Login” on the top right-hand side of the page.
Click “Forgot Password”.
Once you select “Forgot Password” you will enter the email address you have been using for Picmonic.
Select reset password and follow the instructions on the page. While resetting your password, ensure it meets all requirements outlined below.
Once the Password Confirmation Page appears, you are all set! You can select “return to login” and log in using your email and password.
Are there new password requirements?
You can choose to use your existing password; however, if you forget your password or just want to update it, then new passwords must meet all of the following requirements:
At least 6 characters
A lowercase character
An Uppercase character
A number
A special character
What actions are required by institutions using Picmonic?
To ensure the password verification emails and other important messages are not blocked, please have your IT department whitelist the following:
What if I have trouble resetting my password?
If you do not see the password verification email in your inbox, please check your spam folder for an email from noreply2@truelearn.com (TrueLearn is the parent company of Picmonic). If you still have trouble, try clearing your cache in your browser.
Additional FAQs
Why am I getting logged out of my Picmonic account every day? As part of the SSO update, we have implemented a session expiration which requires users to login daily (8 hour session expiration).
How do I log into my Picmonic Account?
Navigate to the the Picmonic homepage and select login
When you select “Log In”, you will be brought to the following login screen
Enter your email & password
If you do not remember your password, click “Forgot Password”. Enter your Picmonic Email address and choose a method to receive the verification code (Email, Text, or Alternative Email). Please note, that Text or Alternative Email will not show if you do not have this method on file.
The page will refresh to take you to the login page
You will receive an email with a verification code and link to go to a Set Password Page
Once you set your new password, you will see a Password Confirmation Page
You can then return to the Login Page
Once you log in, you will be directed to the Picmonic Homepage
I am new to Picmonic, but have an existing TrueLearn account. How do I link my accounts?
If you sign up with an email address that is being used for your TrueLearn account, you will be directed to a new login page.
Login by entering your existing TrueLearn credentials. If this is your first time logging in and connecting your accounts you will be prompted to complete your Picmonic account setup by selecting a Picmonic area of study.
My browser has previously saved my credentials, but now it is not populating for me. Why is this?
With the login page URL changing, it may not recognize the old URL (picmonic.com) to populate for you. If you don’t remember your login password, please use the reset password option in the new flow to set up a new password. Users must know what email their account was associated with.
What if I have a login for TrueLearn and a separate login for Picmonic? Which do I use after the SSO launch? If the two accounts used the same primary email address, your accounts have been linked already and you should utilize your TrueLearn login credentials moving forward. Use the forgot password flow if you do not remember your login credentials. If your TrueLearn account and Picmonic account did not use the same primary email address, your accounts will not be synced together and you will have to log into each account independently. If you would like to sync your accounts, please reach out to customer support with the two email addresses associated with your TrueLearn and Picmonic accounts.
Will the login changes apply to the Picmonic mobile apps as well?
Yes, users of the Picmonic mobile apps will also be redirected to the global login page to sign in before being redirected back to their app.